INGEPACTM EF is a family of IEC 61850-compliant, multifunctional, Intelligent Electronic Devices for grid and primary
equipment control and protection applications in Medium and High-Voltage electrical substations.
The large range of functional features and configuration capabilities offered by these devices make it a powerful and flexible
solution for the automation of the electrical system.
Main Features
∙ lEC 61850 native platform
∙ All the protection functions of a substation bay in one single device
∙ Modular design, different hardware configuration options for each application
∙ Graphic front interface with up to 9 user-configurable screens, control buttons and programmable LEDs
∙ High accuracy measurement of all electrical magnitudes
∙ Event log, fault reports, load curves, waveform records and grid quality parameters in non-volatile memory
∙ Circuit Breaker monitoring
∙ Self-diagnostic
∙ Serial and Ethernet communications, managing several connections in different protocols simultaneously.
∙ IEEE1588 (PTP), SNTP, IRIG-B and PPS synchronisation
∙ Programmable user logic with IEC 61131-3 based tools
∙ Web Access
INGEPAC EF-LD High speed main line protection
INGEPAC EF-MD Bay control and protection device with |
INGEPAC EF-CB Protection and automation of up to 3 steps |
INGEPAC EF-TD 2 and 3 winding transformer main protection, |
INGEPAC EF-VR INGEPAC™ EF VR allows voltage regulation in power transformers with tap changers, keeping the output voltage of the transformers steady and sending the signals to raise or lower taps to the tap changer. INGEPAC™ EF VR is suitable to operate independently or in parallel configurations, up to 5 transformers connected to the same busbar. The communication between the voltage regulators will be carried out through IEC 61850 GOOSE messages. In order to monitor the status of the transformer and control its useful life, INGEPAC™ EF VR allows the monitoring of oil temperature, which can be collected either through RTD inputs or through mA input. |
INGEPAC DA-PT (Feeder protection relays) INGEPAC™ DA PT are digital multifunctional protection relays, suitable as main protection of feeders or small motors, due to 8 analog channels (4 currents and 4 voltages). Optionally, INGEPAC™ DA PT includes arc flash detection function that allows to perform general trip if the activation of any available light sensors is detected. Available up to 4 INGEPAC™ LSD light sensors. Tripping can be caused by light detection or light detection monitored by a high-speed overcurrent. INGEPAC™ DA PT provides comprehensive and detailed information by means of its monitoring and events recording capabilities, these being fundamental elements in an electrical grid’s improvement process. |
- Graphical representation of data and measurements with simulation of the substation’s dynamic mimic diagrams
- Display, management, acknowledgement, and reporting of substation alarms
- Exporting of alarms and events logs
- Management of user access levels based on profiles
- Management of communications with all the position control units via different protocols: IEC 61850, modbus, DNP3, IEC 870-5-101
With Gateway INGETEAM-IC3 - IEC 61850:
INGESAS™ IC3 is the unit that allows connection to the main telecontrol centres and runs the logic at substation level. It is a high-performing, highly-reliable and highly-available modular system designed for substation environments, which enables the inclusion of different communications modules with the option of power supply or communication redundancy.
INGESAS™ IC3 provides an embedded HTML5 web server. All the information recolected from the IEDs and INGESAS™ IC3's information could be used to be shown in user-defined panels that can include graphical dynamic objects, historical events list and alarm management.
Additionally, INGESAS™ IC3 performs general logic operations at substation level, and acts as a synchronisation pattern for all the devices connected to the communications network via the NTP protocol.